Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well, I did it. I went down and purchased a box of hair color and colored my hair. I think I was pretty brave considering the past nightmar....I mean experiences I've had with boxed hair colors. LOL.

The last 3 times were disasters. At least in my book. Let's see, last time I ended up with a peachy-orangy kind of color--it was supposed to be a glamorous redish blond color called Topaz. The time before that I ended up carrot-top orange--the box pictured a beautiful brownish red.

The earliest hair color disaster was back in high school. My Aunt and my Mom had been frosting my hair for a couple of years but my senior year in high school when we did it, the streaks came out almost pure white. I kinda freaked out about it so off we went down to the beauty supply to pick up a toner. I picked out a lovely shade of ashe blond. I got champagn pink. I was as devasted as only a truly melodramatic teenage drama queen can be. This was back before technicolor hair was hip--or is it cool? phat? fo shizzel?--yah, I really do sound like a dork when I say that roflol :P . So, back to the beauty supply we went for another toner. I ended up with pretty much my origional hair color which was a dark blond.

This time though, I think I have met with success. I bought a shade called medium golden blond and I do believe that is what I ended up with. Yay! What do you think?


  1. Hi Louise, I hope you're doing well! The color is very pretty, I like it!

    You remind me of my mom. She used to dye her hair a lot too, up until she got diagnosed with Cancer... her hair was so pretty and long, like a reddish stawberry-blonde color. But, that's her testimony-- you know, surviving the battle. I'm really grateful that she is here and I know that it was only by the grace of God that she is! So, glory to God.

    P.S. The "hip" comment wasn't tooo dorky! hehe, J/K :) :)

    God bless you sis Louise & ttys,

  2. Looks great! Awesome when you can do something at home for a fraction of the cost at the salon.. now you can save that money for something more important!

    It's so hard to take a pic of yourself... you did a good job at that too :)

  3. You look beautiful!!!!!!!! I found your blog scrolling through Whitney's blog and on your profile you said you are home schooling. My home schooled us too! I think that it is a really noble thing in that it takes so much selfless love and sacrifice. I am 28 now and looking back at those years I was able to bond with my mom and siblings so much. Great memories! The other cool thing was that it kept us from falling through the cracks. My oldest brother had dyslexia but mom put in alot of time with him and he overcame it. He is a computer engineer now and it's just amazing to see what God did in his life because my mom wasn't afraid to be different and trust God to help her do it. God bless you!
